CNA Travelers - Information and resources for the travel CNA!
CNA Travelers is not a staffing agency, nor an employer. Our website is the only dedicated resource of its kind for traveling CNA's! We are committed to being an all inclusive resource to assist certified nursing assistants in learning what is necessary to become a successful traveling CNA, as well as a smart traveler. We also help connect potential travelers with the agencies that have the travel contracts by offering the CNA Travelers Job Board, which allows the staffing agencies to bring the contract opportunities directly to the potential certified nursing assistant traveler by posting them as they become available. CNA Travelers has also created a place where the travelers and recruiters can assist each other in understanding what traveling as a CNA is really all about.

Almost 6 years ago CNA Travelers created a Facebook group, CNA Travelers - Discussion. This group alone has grown to so much more than we could have imagined.
With the inclusion of CNA's and Recruiters we are promoting discussions and encouraging staffing agency representatives to offer their support of the travelers by giving them a forum where positive relationships are being built. Not only that, but travelers can find support from fellow travelers who truly understand all the things that they might face while on assignments.
CNA Travelers wants to encourage the interaction between the staffing agencies and current and potential travelers. It is our belief that Travelers & Recruiters can learn so much from each other. Being a successful traveler is a TEAM effort- between the CNA's and the Recruiters.
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Bring your skills
Traveling as a Certified Nursing Assistant
Out with the old, and in with the new.
You wont believe the changes coming in 2019! Stay tuned

You can travel with any agency, regardless of your location or theirs?
You can be in Mississippi, your recruiter can be in Nebraska and you can travel to Alaska. True!
The only thing you need to be a traveler is the proper documentation, a great recruiter, license in the state in which the assignment is and a suitcase! OK, so maybe it is not that easy. But, for the most part, that is pretty accurate. You could work with your recruiter for years and possibly never meet face to face. All travel nursing pre-assignment information exchange is done through telephone, email and/or fax, and sometimes Facebook.
There are no face to face interviews. Always remember that travel assignments for CNA's fill fast. If you take an hour to think about an assignment, the chances are there have already been 100 that have contacted their recruiter or the agency that posted the need.
Even if you have never heard of the location, have an open mind! Travel nursing gives you the ability to go to places that you may have never thought of. You will meet fellow traveler and make great friends along the way!
We love to see where our visitors are located!
Add your location to the map! You only need your City, State and Zip Code! We only ask for your email to send you a notification that you were successful! We will not ask for, store or sell your information! Just a fun look at where everyone is, we are "Travelers" after all.

"20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the Tradewinds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover"
-Mark Twain