ABOUT CNA Travelers

Michelle Lane
CNA Travelers works to promote the Success, Education and Empowerment of Certified Nursing Assistants who are interested in traveling for a living. We are dedicated to promoting a positive relationship between travelers and agencies, for the success of all medical professionals who desire a career in traveling!
Traveler & Founder
CNA Travelers was established by a CNA Traveler for CNA Travelers. My name is Michelle Lane, and I am the founder of CNA Travelers. I am in fact a traveling CNA, with over 10 years working in healthcare. My love for travel began long before I ever dreamed of, or even knew anything about, traveling medical professionals. Since starting my traveling career a little over five years ago I have been fortunate enough to have seen some of the most beautiful places, met the most amazing people and been on the greatest adventure of my life, in what seems like yesterday! But first....
How it all started
Back in July 2013 I was curious about traveling as a CNA. I looked everywhere for any information I could find, and of course, I could not find anything that would explain what I needed to do to get started, how to find a job or even a list of agencies that hired Certified Nursing Assistants for travel jobs. I found TONS of information about traveling RN's, but nothing about CNA's. I searched Indeed.com and found a few assignments listed, but I wasn't satisfied with that, so I kept looking.
I found several groups on Facebook for travel nurses and I decided to join a few to see what I could learn. I read the posts and comments and asked questions. I absorbed everything like a sponge! Finally, one day, I posted and asked if anyone knew anything about traveling as a CNA. There were so many nurses that gave me advice, guided me and encouraged me to pursue my dream of traveling. Several of the Travel RN's, who took me under their wing, coached me on the right things to do and what mistakes not to make. I made some great friends through that group and I even met my favorite recruiter, who I call my "RBF" (Recruiter Best Friend"). Holly Fenn with Fusion Medical Staffing is the person I credit for the start of my travel nursing career as a Certified Nursing Assistant.
This recruiter literally held my hand and (without her even knowing it) she gained my trust as she guided me along, not once pressuring me to sign with her company, or even to fill out the online application. She truly wanted to help an inquisitive CNA who was determined to travel.
CNA Travelers was born
Since I could not find any specific information for traveling as a CNA I decided to start a Facebook group of my own in July 2013 and I called it, what else, but "CNA Travelers - Discussion". In that group I started building a resource for CNA's, as I was learning it all myself. I created documents that had links to the various states for license by reciprocity or endorsement which explains how to obtain license in other states; I added lists of agencies that had contracts for Traveling CNA's. From there the group has grown in five years to over 4,000 members. Which led me to create another group which I called 'CNA Travelers - Job Board'. With so many members in the Discussion group there was a need to separate the two and make it more efficient to monitor. The Discussion group is open to recruiters to join as well. I think it is very important to give recruiters a platform to engage the CNA's and thereby help in building those positive relationships between the two. The Job Board gives the agencies and recruiters a platform to post open contract needs directly to their potential travelers.
In August 2013 (just a couple weeks into my search) I nearly made a very costly mistake because I was so eager to travel! If it were not for my RBF I probably would have traveled on one assignment, and it would have been a disaster, and I would have never thought twice about traveling again! That's when I said to her, "Since you have been such a big help to me and you have really held my hand I want you to be my recruiter." Holly Fenn, with Fusion Medical Staffing gets the credit for where I am and the great things I am working so hard to do for other certified nursing assistants who wish to travel for a living.
Not just a Traveling CNA
While on my first contract I was fortunate enough to have the time off to attend the 2013 Travel Nurse Conference in Las Vegas where I was able to meet not only other travelers face to face, but I met an enormous amount of agency representatives and Recruiters! I was the only CNA there, and they were happy to see that a CNA was serious enough to attend #TravCon13. The amount of information was overwhelming, but extremely educational. It helped me to further the information for travel CNA's in the Facebook groups! (I highly recommend attending if you ever get the opportunity) You can visit Travelers Conference on Facebook, or you can find them on the internet here, The Travelers Conference.
It is my hope that I can support, educate and empower other Certified Nursing Assistants to become successful Traveling CNA's and SEE this great nation of ours!
If I can ever answer your questions or help you in anyway along your journey please do not hesitate to reach out and ask!
Thank you for taking the time to read and I hope that CNATravelers.com gives you the information to be a knowledgeable, confident and compassionate traveling CNA!